Call for Computers and Graphics (C&G) Special Issue

The special section in Computers & Graphics Journal (CAG) is an alternative track for paper submission. All accepted papers are scheduled for oral presentation at SVR. The paper presentation instructions and the no show policy are the same as those of full papers accepted in the main conference track; please, see the website for full instructions.

Submission Instructions

The submission website for this journal is located at:

To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special section, it is important that authors select “VSI:SVR 2020” when they reach the “Article Type Name” step in the submission process.

Important Dates

Jun 17: Submission deadline
Jun 20: Submission deadline
Jul 15: Notification of first decision
Aug 10: First revision submission
Sep 10: Notification of second decision
Sep 25: Second revision submission
Oct 10: Final decision
Oct 20: Camera-ready due
November, 7th to November, 10th: SVR.

No-Show and No-Registration Policy

No-show papers are defined as accepted papers submitted by authors who did not present the paper at the technical meeting. Each paper must have at least one registered author with a Main Track Paper Registration Fee. Each paper must have a different Main Track Paper Registration Fee. Otherwise, the paper is considered a no-registration. No-show and no-registration papers will not be included in the program and will be removed from the proceedings.

Guest Editors

Fátima Nunes, USP, Brazil
Indira Thouvenin, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France
João Marcelo Xavier Natário Teixeira, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Pablo Figueroa, UNIANDES, Colombia

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